General functions belong to the abstract class Core, which is inherited by other classes. These functions are available through the main object $diafan
, the establishment of which initiates the generation of the page. The modules are available for the function call through the object $this->diafan
void redirect ([string $url = ''], [integer $http_response_code = 302]) – Редирект.
// redirect to news page
// redirect to an external site
// redirect to the administrative part to edit news categories
void redirect_js ([string $url = '']) – Редиректс помошью JavaScript.
It used in cases where the screen is already displayed content. Then redirect using function redirect()
does not work.
// redirect to main page
mixed filter (mixed $array, [string $mask = 0], [string $name = ''], [mixed $default = '']) – Приводит значение переменной к типу, соответстветствующему маске.
// get a numeric value from the variable $_POST["number"]
$integer = $this->diafan->filter($_POST, 'int', "number");
// convert the value of the variable $_GET["searchword"]
// to safely use it to compile links
$search = $this->diafan->filter($_GET, 'url', "searchword");
$url = BASE_PATH.'search/?searchword='.$search;
// remove HTML-tags and special symbols transform variable $anons
$anons = $this->diafan->filter($anons, 'string');
// convert the value of the variable $name
// to substitute directly into SQL-query
$user = DB::query_fetch_array("SELECT * FROM {users} WHERE name='".$this->diafan->filter($name, 'sql')."'");
mixed configmodules (string $name, [string $module_name = ''], [integer $site_id = false], [integer $lang_id = false], [boolean $value = false]) –
Возвращает значение переменной $name в конфигурации модуля $module_name для языковой версии $lang_id и страницы $site_id. Если задано значение $value, функция записывает новое значение.
if($this->diafan->configmodules("cat", "shop"))
echo 'In the module "Online shop" enabled categories.'
string short_text (string $text, [integer $length = 80]) – Сокращает текст.
echo $this->diafan->short_text('<p>Not only stylish, but also quite easy to use. Possible linkage of additional equipment outside.</p>');
// output:
// Not only stylish, but also quite easy to use. Possible linkage of additional...
echo $this->diafan->short_text('<p>Not only stylish, but also quite easy to use. Possible linkage of additional equipment outside.</p>', 400);
// output:
// Not only stylish, but also quite easy to use. Possible linkage of additional equipment outside.
string prepare_xml (string $text) – Подготавливает текст для отображения в XML-файле.
// process the name of the news for the correct formation of news RSS-feed
echo '<title>'.$this->diafan->prepare_xml($row['name']).'</title>';
string convert (integer $size) – Конвертирует количество бит в байты, килобайты, мегабайты.
echo $this->diafan->convert(45980);
// output: 44.9 Kb
echo $this->diafan->convert(367800342);
// output: 350.76 Mb
string encrypt (string $text) – Кодирует пароль.
echo $this->diafan->encrypt('123');
// output: 944104956716c66f4c36a236ae349053
array get_children (integer $id, string $table, [boolean $trash = true]) – Выдает массив номеров детей.
// get IDs of the nested menu items for the menu item ID = 3, no remote to recycle bin
$children = $this->diafan->get_children(3, "menu", true);
array get_parents (integer|array $id, string $table) – Выдает массив номеров родителей.
// get IDs of all parents of current site page
$parents = $this->diafan->get_parents($this->diafan->_site->id, 'site');
string translit (string $text) – Переводит кириллицу в транслит для строки text.
echo $this->diafan->translit('Backpack "Contour 50"');
// output: Backpack-Contur-50-km
string formate_from_date (string $date) – Переводит дату из в формата гггг-мм-дд в формат дд.мм.гггг.
echo $this->diafan->formate_from_date('2014-05-13');
// output: 13.05.2014
string formate_from_datetime (string $date) – Переводит дату из в формата гггг-мм-дд чч:мм в формат дд.мм.гггг чч:мм.
echo $this->diafan->formate_from_datetime('2014-05-13 18:30');
// output: 13.05.2014 18:30
string formate_in_date (string $date) – Переводит дату из в формата дд.мм.гггг в формат гггг-мм-дд.
echo $this->diafan->formate_in_date('13.05.2014');
// output: 2014-05-13
string formate_in_datetime (string $date) – Переводит дату из в формата дд.мм.гггг чч:мм в формат гггг-мм-дд чч:мм.
echo $this->diafan->formate_in_datetime('13.05.2014 18:30');
// output: 2014-05-13 18:30
integer unixdate (string $date) – Возвращает дату, переданную в формате hh:ii в виде даты в формате UNIX.
echo $this->diafan->unixdate('13.05.2014 18:30');
// output: 1399991400
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Markdown_Parser has a deprecated constructor #1 include_once() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #2 Docs_model->prepare_text( General functions belong to the abstract class *Core*, which is inherited by other classes. These functions are available through the main object `$diafan`, the establishment of which initiates the g...) called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #3 Docs_model->show() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #4 Docs->init() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #5 Init->module() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #6 Init->start() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] | /var/www/diafan/data/www/ |