[ERROR#1] Processing search phrase — Documentation — DIAFAN.CMS

Processing search phrase

Search phrase prepared in a special way to search the database. It is responsible for this class Searchwords defined in the file includes/searchwords.php.


var max_length – максимальная длина слова.


array prepare (string $text) – Выделение уникальных слов из текста.

  • string $text: индексируемый текст

The function uses Porter stemmer.


$searchwords = new Searchwords();
$array = $searchwords->prepare('Не только стильный, но и достаточно удобный в эксплуатации. Его основной объем и два больших боковых кармана на молнии, вместят все необходимое для рыбной ловли или охоты.');
/* выведет:
    [0] => только
    [1] => стильн
    [2] => достаточно
    [3] => удобн
    [4] => эксплуатац
    [5] => его
    [6] => основн
    [7] => объ
    [8] => дв
    [9] => больших
    [10] => боковых
    [11] => карма
    [12] => молн
    [13] => вместят
    [14] => вс
    [15] => необходим
    [16] => дл
    [17] => рыбн
    [18] => ловл
    [19] => ил
    [20] => охот

Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Markdown_Parser has a deprecated constructor
#1 include_once() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/modules/docs/docs.model.php:499]
#2 Docs_model->prepare_text( Search phrase prepared in a special way to search the database. It is responsible for this class *Searchwords* defined in the file *includes/searchwords.php*. <insert name="show_func" ...) called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/modules/docs/docs.model.php:94]
#3 Docs_model->show() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/modules/docs/docs.php:29]
#4 Docs->init() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/includes/init.php:474]
#5 Init->module() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/includes/init.php:119]
#6 Init->start() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/index.php:62]