The question is very simple but regular incoming support.
In the search template by goods modules/shop/views/shop.view.show_search.php find the cycle of additional features:
foreach ($result["rows"] as $row)
Features of the types of "select" and "select multiple" are displayed with the following lines:
case 'select':
case 'multiple':
echo '
<span class="input-title">'.$row["name"].':</span>';
foreach ($row["select_array"] as $key => $value)
echo '<input type="checkbox" id="shop_search_p'.$row["id"].'_'.$key.'" name="p'.$row["id"].'[]" value="'.$key.'"'.(in_array($key, $row["value"]) ? " checked" : '').'>
<label for="shop_search_p'.$row["id"].'_'.$key.'">'.$value.'</label>
Replace the following code:
case 'select':
case 'multiple':
echo '
<span class="input-title">'.$row["name"].':</span>
<select name="p'.$row["id"].'[]">';
foreach ($row["select_array"] as $key => $value)
echo '<option value="'.$key.'"'.(in_array($key, $row["value"]) ? " selected" : '').'>'.$value.'</option>';
echo '</select>';
An example can be applied to "Ads" module.