How to add a template tag

Template tags allow executable code to connect to a specific location of the site.

DIAFAN.CMS makes no restrictions on the number of arguments and the function name.

The executable code may be a general nature or relate to the module.

If you want to add a general code, you create a common template tag.

To do this, add in the folder themes/functions need to add a file with the name tag.

After this template tag can be used.

Can transfer tag attributes. Attributes will be available through the array $attributes.


Add file hello.php.


if (! defined('DIAFAN'))
$path = __FILE__; $i = 0;
$i == 10) exit; $i++;
$path = dirname($path);
"Hello, ".$attributes["name"]."!";

Then in the site template, such as themes/site.php, the file can be executed anywhere template tag.

<insert name="hello" name="Andy">


Add in the module "News" template function show_date.

// in the file modules/news/news.php
public function show_date($attributes)
$attributes = $this->get_attributes($attributes, 'day', 'template');

$result = $this->model->date($attributes["day"]);
$this->diafan->_tpl->get('show_date', 'news', $result, $attributes["template"]);

// in the file modules/news/news.model.php
public function date($day)
$result["date"] = $".m.Y");
$result["date"] = date("d.m.Y");

//file modules/news/views/news.view.show_date.php
echo '<div class="news_date">'.$result["date"].'</div>';

Then in the site template, such as themes/site.php, the function can be executed anywhere template tag.

<insert name="show_date" module="news">