The configuration of the site and its basic parameters are stored in a file the config.php, which lies at the root of the site. File Rights- config.php should be 777 to DIAFAN.CMS was able to edit it, and save it in the settings.
Manage site configuration, you can use the module "Site Settings".
Below is the structure of the file:
//folder, which contains the site. For root domain leave empty
define("REVATIVE_PATH", "");
//site name, the tag is added to the title at the end with a hyphen
define("TIT1", "Paper Zoo");
//parameters of the database connection
define("DB_URL", "mysqli://username:password@localhost/dbname");
//site prefix database tables
define("DB_PREFIX", "diafan_");
//DB encoding
define("DB_CHARSET", "utf8");
//the name of the folder with the visual editor
define("USERFILES", "userfiles");
//version DIAFAN.CMS
define("VERSION_CMS", "5.4");
//Semantic URL for administration panel
define("ADMIN_FOLDER", "admin");
//mobile version true/false
define("MOBILE_VERSION", true);
//demo version true/false
define("IS_DEMO", false);
//enable development mode, when the site displays all possible errors true/false
define("MOD_DEVELOPER", false);
//including technical site maintenance mode, the site will be unavailable to users (design template messages /themes/503.php) true/false
define("MOD_DEVELOPER_TECH", false);
//disable caching true/false
define("MOD_DEVELOPER_CACHE", false);
//profiling true/false
//ftp host
define("FTP_HOST", "");
//path to diafan.CMS, after logging ftp-user, for example, www/
define("FTP_DIR", "www/");
//ftp username
define("FTP_LOGIN", "ftp_username");
//ftp password
define("FTP_PASSWORD", "ftp_username");
//chief administrator mailbox, owner of the site is used by default in all notices
define("EMAIL_CONFIG", "");
//use smtp-auth true/false
define("SMTP_MAIL", true);
//smtp host (например,
define("SMTP_HOST", "");
//smtp username
define("SMTP_LOGIN", "smtp_username");
//smtp password
define("SMTP_PASSWORD", "smtp_username");
//smtp port (default 25)
define("SMTP_PORT", "25");
//use Memcached for caching
define("CACHE_MEMCACHED", true);
//Memcached host
define("CACHE_MEMCACHED_HOST", "localhost");
//Memcached port
define("CACHE_MEMCACHED_PORT", "11211");
//time zone of the site, format
define("TIMEZONE", "Europe/Moscow");
//end semantic URL, default "/". You can enter the ".htm"
define("ROUTE_END", "/");
//use the automatic generation of semantic URL modules true/false
define("ROUTE_AUTO_MODULE", true);
//enable SMS-notifications true/false
define("SMS", false);
// key for byteHand
define("SMS_KEY", "");
// id for byteHand
define("SMS_ID", "");
// signature for sms
define("SMS_SIGNATURE", "1.10.2014 13:21");
// allow to insert in the frame
define("NO_X_FRAME", false);
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Markdown_Parser has a deprecated constructor #1 include_once() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #2 Docs_model->prepare_text( The configuration of the site and its basic parameters are stored in a file the *config.php*, which lies at the root of the site. File Rights- *config.php* should be 777 to DIAFAN.CMS was able to edi...) called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #3 Docs_model->show() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #4 Docs->init() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #5 Init->module() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] #6 Init->start() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/] | /var/www/diafan/data/www/ |