[ERROR#1] Site map — Documentation — DIAFAN.CMS

Site map

The module generates a sitemap. The site map includes all the active page of the site is not marked with the "Do not show on a sitemap", as well as attached to the pages of the site active category of modules that are not marked option "Do not show on a sitemap".

The module has two parts: a page of the site to which the plug-in "Site map" and the file for the search engines sitemap.xml.

On the page, the user output displays all pages of the site, as well as the category of connected modules, according to the site structure. You can also bring cell modules (news, products, articles and so forth.). The code that displays the elements in the file is commented out modules/map/map.model.php.

DIAFAN.CMS also generates a site map for the search engines: http://site.com/sitemap.xml.

File sitemap.xml is generated on the fly, the physical file is not created. It contains all the links created by the system, in addition to references to items marked with the "Do not show on a sitemap." To generate the reference module, you must have the file modules/module_name/module_name.sitemap.php. File format:


if ( ! defined('DIAFAN'))
$path = __FILE__; $i = 0;
$i == 10) exit; $i++;
$path = dirname($path);

Модуль_sitemap extends Diafan
    * Returns the settings for generating the card module
    * @param integer $site_id ID site page
    * @return array
public function config($site_id)
$result = array(
// data type – element, category
'type' => array('element', 'category'),
// conditions for sampling
'where' =>
// for type "element"
'element' => "AND map_no_show='0'",
// for type "category"
'category' => "AND map_no_show='0'",

The module links indexes created modules. The index is updated in three cases:

  • installing the module "Site map", the site is indexed when you first open the file sitemap.xml;
  • install a module, indexed all module;
  • edit the module elements, indexed / removed from the index the edited items

For a complete re-indexing a site re-install the module "Sitemap" in the "Modules and DB".

According to the standard file sitemap.xml can be split into multiple files. The number of links in the same file set the properties private $max_url = 5000; in the file modules/map/map.sitemap.php.


Подключаемая часть – файл modules/map/map.inc.php. В нем описан класс Map_inc. В модуле к объекту класса можно обратиться через переменную $this->diafan->_map. Экземпляр класса создается при первом вызове переменной.


void index_all () – Индексирует весь сайт.


// indexes all links on the site for the file sitemap.xml

void index_module (string $module_name) – Индексирует модуль.

  • string $module_name: название модуля


// index the module "Online shop"for the sitemap.xml

void index_site_module (array $row, [boolean $out = true]) – Индексирует страницы модуля, прикрепленного к странице сайта.

  • array $row: данные о странице сайта
  • boolean $out: функция используется как внешняя


$row = array(
"id" => 13,
"module_name" => "shop",
"timeedit" => 1398851484,
"changefreq" => "always",
"priority" => 0,
// index page with attached module for the file sitemap.xml

void index_elements (array $rows) – Индексирует группу элементов.

  • array $rows: массив данных об индексируемых элементах


$rows = array(
"id" => 1,
"element_type" => "element",
"module_name" => "shop",
"site_id" => 13,
"timeedit" => 1398851484,
"changefreq" => "always",
"priority" => 0,
"id" => 2,
"element_type" => "element",
"module_name" => "shop",
"site_id" => 13,
"timeedit" => 1398851485,
"changefreq" => "always",
"priority" => 0,
// index some products for the file sitemap.xml

void index_element (array $row) – Индексирует один элемент.

  • array $row: данные об индексируемом элементе


$row = array(
"id" => 1,
"element_type" => "element",
"module_name" => "shop",
"site_id" => 13,
"timeedit" => 1398851484,
"changefreq" => "always",
"priority" => 0,
// index product for the file sitemap.xml

void delete (integer|array $element_ids, string $module_name, [string $element_type = 'element']) – Удаляет один или несколько элементов из индекса.

  • integer|array $element_ids: номер одного или нескольких элементов
  • string $module_name: название модуля
  • string $element_type: тип данных


// delete product brand from the file sitemap.xml
$this->diafan->_map->delete(2, "shop", "brand");

void delete_module (string $module_name) – Удаляет весь индекс модуля.

  • string $module_name: название модуля


// delete all links of module "News" from the file sitemap.xml

void delete_sites (array $site_ids) – Удаляет индекс модулей, прикрепленных к страницам сайта.

  • array $site_ids: идентификаторы страниц сайта


// delete all links of all modules attached to site pages ID=3,4,6 from the file sitemap.xml
$this->diafan->_map->delete_sites(array(3, 4, 6));


{map_index} – Индекс для файла sitemap.xml


  1. modules/map/admin/map.admin.inc.php – Connecting the module to the administrative part of other modules;

  2. modules/map/js/map.tiny.js – Подгружает карту сайта в визуальном редакторе, JS-сценарий;

  3. modules/map/map.php – Controller;

  4. modules/map/map.inc.php – Подключение модуля;

  5. modules/map/map.install.php – Module installation;

  6. modules/map/map.model.php – Model;

  7. modules/map/map.sitemap.php – Карта сайта в XML формате;

  8. modules/map/map.tiny.php – Плагин карты сайта для визуального редактора;

  9. modules/map/views/map.view.list.php – Шаблон списка страниц в карте сайте.

Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Markdown_Parser has a deprecated constructor
#1 include_once() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/modules/docs/docs.model.php:499]
#2 Docs_model->prepare_text( The module generates a sitemap. The site map includes all the active page of the site is not marked with the "Do not show on a sitemap", as well as attached to the pages of the site active ...) called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/modules/docs/docs.model.php:94]
#3 Docs_model->show() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/modules/docs/docs.php:29]
#4 Docs->init() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/includes/init.php:474]
#5 Init->module() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/includes/init.php:119]
#6 Init->start() called at [/var/www/diafan/data/www/diafancms.com/index.php:62]